Fear is nothing but a state of mind

Fear is also quite natural, and if I wasn't a little scared about what I'm doing there wouldn't be much point in doing it. A little fear makes you feel alive. I'm not fearful, just a little...apprehensive...about the unknown. Just like I was on my first day of school, my first job, my first driving lesson, my first (and only time) I jumped out a plane...and what incredible experiences they have all been! Things I'm nervous about: 


The worst thing that could happen is an injury. A twisted knee or ankle. Plantar fasciitis or shin splints. Things that could potentially take me off the trail. 

The heat.

The first 700 miles is desert. And the desert is hot. Really hot. California is in its fourth year of severe drought and has had the lowest rainfall on record. Hot + dry = wildfires. This means the desert is going to be really....deserty. 


I'm not overly keen on having no other option than filtering water from a muddy puddle filled with cow poop (practicing my American). I'm not great at drinking enough water anyway so the possibility of dehydration is potentially quite high. With the drought and increasing numbers of people on the trail the natural water sources and the caches are going to be under pressure. 

The cold.

I don't want to be cold. Hopefully I have the appropriate kit and I won't be. Putting on my down jacket is like getting a big hug and my sleeping bag should protect me to -12 degrees. I am worried about my feet being cold in the snow, but I'll deal with the snow when I get to it – if there is any. 


The natural thing to be afraid of would be Bears I guess, but I'm not afraid of them. I will be disappointed if I don't see one, but I won't mind if it's at a distance! I'm more worried about mice eating my stuff, insects that sting and snakes. Things that crawl, fly, swarm and creep – I'm not too keen on them. 

The dark.

Everything is more scary in the dark – especially noise. An innocent crack of a branch goes unnoticed in the day, but at night the only reasonable explanation for the noise is the boogeyman. 


I have always been told that hitchhiking is stupid, super dangerous and, unless you are Jack Reacher, you will almost certainly be raped and murdered if you get in a car with a stranger. Therefore I'm a little nervous about the whole hitchhiking thing! I have been reassured by several people that it really isn't that bad and is in fact a great way of meeting a variety of characters and some really nice people. Looking forward to getting the first one out the way! 

Poodle dog bush.

The Californian pretty-but-evil plant that irritates the skin and gives a reaction similar to poison oak (they have poison oak too, yeay). I will have blisters on my feet, I don't want blisters on my skin too!

3 weeks.

Three WEEKS.




Everyone likes to talk about food


The trouble is, you think you have time