Hair today. Gone tomorrow. 


I have a lot of hair. 

People define me by my hair. 

Which is odd. I don't do anything to it, I just let it hang there. And if I'm honest it is only so long because I'm too lazy to go and get it cut. 

While some people maintain their long hair during a thru-hike, I couldn't be bothered. It gets knotty in less than a second. It's really quite heavy. It takes ages to dry. It's a struggle to fit it into a selfie:

So I got it chopped off:

Much easier to maintain!

I had a lot of hair cut off – 12 inches! So I decided to donate it to a charity called The Little Princess Trust who provide free wigs to children who are undergoing treatment for cancer.  

The new do:

Of course the real reason I got the chop was because I wanted to look more like Reese...

I know, you can barely tell the difference.

1 teeny tiny week to go!!!!!!!!!!!


One day we will beat cancer


Everyone likes to talk about food