Appalachian Trail SOBO Day 113 – My first blister!
16th November 2023
Deep Gap Shelter (2132.8) - Low Gap Shelter (2155.6)
Daily miles: 23.2
Total miles: 2144.4
It was so warm in the shelter last night. So surprising given how cold it was all day. Maybe it was just because there was no wind and there were so many people in there, but it was one of the most comfortable nights I’ve had in a while. And because I was on the edge I was able to roll off my pad and blow it up in the night without rolling on top of anyone.
There was a queue for the privy this morning and when it was my turn I nearly fell over on the leaves.
Morning at the shelter
We didn’t rush out of camp this morning because it was ‘only’ a 23 mile day. Safety and Sidequest made it to the junction of the shelter after hiking 28 miles after 1pm and getting there at 10:30pm. So all the people who hiked out first were still there talking to them.
There were a series of ups and downs this morning and the trail was covered in mist and the condensation was occasionally dripping down. I hiked alone and listened to podcasts just trying to get up these uphills knowing there would be no views at the tops of anything.
Feeling good
Misty morning
Thigh High passing me
Still following those white blazes
The top of Tray mountain
The return of the wet slab rock
Misty views
After the climb up to Tray mountain and then the descent I saw Toe sat on the dirt road so I joined her and had a snack. We chatted until we were joined by Safety and Sidequest and then Robin Hood and Jet and May Queen. Then we took the forest service road next to the trail because there were fewer leaves (I really, really am tired of slipping on the leaves and kicking and tripping over hidden rocks and roots!) and we can walk in a group and talk to each other.
It was only 1 mile down the road and then back on trail we found a water source which was a very slow trickle from a dirty pipe. We hung out there while everyone collected water and then Cal noticed a different trail we could take that was the same length as the AT but it cut off some elevation - and there would be no view up there anyway. So we set off to do the Rocky Mountain trail not knowing what we were going to find, but it was exactly like the AT, just not as high.
A very slow trickle
May Queen having a moment
I hiked with Toe, Robin Hood and Late Start in front of me and then a group of 5 caught up to us so we hiker trained down to the road as a group of 9. We said it was more like a hiker inchworm as when we come to an obstacle like a big tree root we move like an inch worm.
At Unicoi gap Maggie was waiting with some chips and salsa, and we sat there for an hour or so having a break and eating. We still had 10 miles to go. Maggie saw a bear this morning as she hiked the opposite way to us to get her car and Rabbit Foot saw a rattle snake at the top of Rocky Mountain. I was beginning to think both were myths. Maggie also ran into Lemonhope who said he would see us on Saturday!
Hiker train
Parking lot picnic
Thank you to the day hiker who took our picture
A large rock
With an Appalachian Trail sign
Captured enjoying the sun on my face
Leaving to start the next big climb
There was a climb up to Blue mountain and then the rest of the trail was the crusiest trail we have had for some time. I left a bit ahead of the others to make sure I got to the top of the mountain without being left behind, then I could hear Toe and May Queen talking so I wanted for them and jumped on the back of the hiker train and we hiked together for a few miles, chatting and reminiscing about the trail.
Hiking with Toe and May Queen
When Toe noticed some others catching up to us she took it up a gear and started going faster so she could stay ahead. When they got close I said can you just hurry up and overtake already so I can slow down!
Cal, Safety, Thigh High, Sidequest (and maybe some others) overtook us and Toe hoped on the back of that hiker train and left me and May Queen behind. We hiked together and we were still going pretty fast as we ended up only having to hike for about 15/20 minutes with our headlamps on.
At camp we found 3 or 4 hikers already in the shelter so I set up my tent for the first time in what felt like forever (9 days). A lot of other people have set up their tents too.
I had a dinner of noodles and a hot chocolate all made on a gas canister that I was convinced was going to run out but it kept on going.
I had a sore spot on my toe today and it turns out I have my first (I think) blister of the trail. Right before the end! Everything is throbbing and feels sore and tired and lying down is the nicest thing. I am hungry. I need to eat more but all I have left is a few snacks for tomorrow.
2 more days.
My first blister of the trail (I think) on my big toe